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Programme of Tourist Activities Vinaròs Summer 2023

🏖 Vinaròs extends until the end of October a tourist season full of activities and experiences for all audiences.

➡ Cinema under the stars, sports, guided tours, theater, circus, music, children's activities, gastronomy or even trade are some of the tourist and cultural proposals to enjoy the summer.

🟢 The main novelties are:

✅Quiosc de les Arts: Monòlegs d'Estiu with humor performances.

✅ Vinaròs Arts Escèniques - ArriscArte with circus shows in the street.

✅ I Bluefin Tuna Cooking Days from September 15th to October 1st.

✅ II Gastronomic Festival Castelló Ruta de Sabor from October 20 to 22.

🔵 The program will include:

✅ Cultural and musical activities at the Vinaròs Arena.

✅ Guided tours of the historical and natural heritage

 ✅Cinema under the stars

 ✅Sports with yoga, cubbá, aerobics and the 10K Nocturn

✅ Commerce with Botigues al carrer and Nit de Compres al passeig (Shopping Night at the Passeig)

✅ Summer Carnival, Verbena de agosto and Fiesta de la Juventud (more information coming soon)


More information: Here



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