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  • A mediterranean pace of life
  • A city with a taste of the sea
  • Plans with the family
  • Festivals all year long


Vinaròs is everything you need to enjoy well-deserved vacations. You can sunbathe on its beautiful beaches and secluded coves sheltered by rocks and cliffs, run through its unparalleled natural habitats, discover its fascinating history through the architecture in its old town, grab
a soda, sip a glass of wine or enjoy an ice cream at sunset on the promenade, delight your palate with sumptuous rice and fish dishes, sample the famous Vinaròs king prawn, mingle with the locals, experience their fiestas and feel right at home, because our home is a home for everyone. Vinaròs is all yours.

Coves and beaches

Vinaròs is a unique environment with 12 km of coastline and 26 beaches and coves, so visitors and locals alike can enjoy the Mediterranean in its purest essence.


Rice, fish, and seafood dishes... A world of Mediterranean flavours awaits to delight the most discerning palates.

A destination tailor-made for you

Vinaròs is the ideal place to enjoy family-centred, all-inclusive, sporting, or culinary experiences, and so much more. Truly a city tailor-made for you.


Discover the marvellous natural habitats and wonderful walking trails of great historical, cultural, and botanical interest.


Vinaròs has an extensive range of services throughout the entire municipality so you won’t be lacking anything.

Hiking and walking trails

Vinaròs offers a wide variety of options for exploring the old town, the coastline, or the natural Mediterranean habitats.



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tardor i hivern
Programació Cultural de Tardor i Hivern 2021
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Amar Vinaròs
La campaña Amar Vinaròs Reencuentro se clasifica como finalista para los premios nacionales de comunicación Agripina
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Es presenten les XXVII Jornades de la Cuina dels Arrossos
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Turisme fa entrega dels premis a les millors propostes de Vinaròs de Tapa en Tapa
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Vinaròs restaurarà dos antics canons perquè formen part de la futura exposició del Centre d’Inspiració Turística Vinaròs-Maestrat
Els dos canons ocuparan un espai destacat en la planta baixa de l’edifici on es posaran en valor les troballes i la història del Baluard del Fortí…

Teléfono - 964 453 334

Dirección - Passeig de Cristòfol Colom, s/n, 12500 Vinaròs, Castelló

Email - vinaros[@]

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